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HR Coaching & Mentoring

How HR Play A Role In Delivering Feedback

Constructive feedback, whether positive or negative, is one of the best things a manager can give and is vital to any employee’s ongoing development. However, the caveat here is that feedback must be delivered the right way to be effective, otherwise, you risk damaging the

effective relationships at work

How to Have More Effective Relationships at Work

Have you ever said something in the heat of the moment, that you later regret?  An emotional response to a frustrating situation that in hindsight you might want to change. Join the club. Here is a simple model that might help to explain it, and

Becoming a HR Team Leader | New Year New Career

Becoming an HR team leader is an extremely rewarding role and one which will always be valued in so many different organisations. Mental health, wellbeing and successfully managing employees is at the forefront of people’s minds now more than ever, making HR of the utmost

Impact of Stress and Conflict on Leadership Approach

We all know that dealing with a stressful situation can take its toll on our wellbeing, so what is good leadership in difficult situations? When things are going well, we access our own natural leadership style that our friends and colleagues see and experience.  When

How to overcome your self-limiting beliefs

Self-limiting beliefs can be detrimental to your personal and professional development, as well as your self-confidence. They can hold you back from achieving goals and doing what you want. They become self-limiting because they prevent you from trying things or from reaching your full potential.

5 simple ways to make networking work for you

Attending a networking opportunity and making the most of it are two very different things. ​ You score definite points for having the confidence to put yourself out there and showing up in the first place. But to make networking effective, you have to put