What does this guide cover?
Step 1: Setting the Scene – Identify your company’s unique qualities and establish a compelling employer brand by answering questions about your company’s identity, culture, and reputation.
Step 2: Establish the Direction – Define your HR vision and mission statements that align with the overall business strategy, outlining long-term aspirations and core values.
Step 3: Establish the HR Priorities – Identify and prioritise key HR pillars (e.g., talent acquisition, performance management) based on your organisation’s needs and challenges.
Step 4: Develop an Action Plan – Create specific objectives, prioritise HR initiatives, allocate resources, and set timelines for achieving your HR strategy goals.
Step 5: Measure, Review & Iterate – Regularly evaluate and adjust your HR strategy, track key performance indicators (KPIs), and engage stakeholders to ensure ongoing alignment with business needs and success.