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Published on: The Strategic Leader Podcast

Season 1 Episode 7: From Reactive to Transformational: Taking HR to the Next Level


From Reactive to Transformational: Taking HR to the Next Level 

In this episode of the Strategic Leader podcast, we discuss the concept of HR maturity levels. We explain the transition from transactional to transformational HR practices, emphasising the importance of moving beyond routine tasks to strategic thinking. 

Gemma introduces a four-level model: Reactive (Level 1), Proactive (Level 2), Strategic (Level 3), and Transformational (Level 4). The conversation explores the characteristics and challenges at each level, highlighting the need for a balance between transactional efficiency and strategic foresight.

There is more information about this model in Gemma’s blog here 

Key Points Discussed:

  1. Understanding the difference between transactional and strategic HR.
  2. Introduction to the four HR maturity levels: Reactive, Proactive, Strategic, and Transformational.
  3. The importance of transactional tasks as the foundation for HR operations.
  4. Transitioning from reactive and routine processes to proactive, business-aligned approaches.
  5. Strategic HR involves anticipating business needs, interpreting challenges, and guiding initiatives.
  6. The role of questioning and challenging assumptions in strategic HR.
  7. The pinnacle of HR maturity: Transformational level, contributing significantly to the business’s overall success.

Key Timestamps with Summaries:

– [02:10] Gemma introduces the transactional qualities associated with basic HR functions.

– [06:16] Discussion on businesses stuck at transactional levels due to essential yet reactive nature.

– [09:02] Transition to proactive HR, aligning practices with business needs.

– [09:22] Introduction of the strategic level, emphasizing true partnership with the business.

– [18:30] Advancement to the transformational level, influencing fundamental shifts in the business.

Key Takeaway:

To become more strategic we need to evolve through various maturity levels, from transactional to transformational. Striking a balance between efficient routine processes and forward-thinking strategies is crucial for the optimal functioning of HR within an organization.