The Equality and Humans Rights Commission (EHRC) has published new guidance to ensure businesses are not discriminating against pregnant employees and those on maternity leave.
The EHRC said: “All employers should review the advice and ensure their policies are fully compliant with the law, so pregnant staff, and staff taking parental leave, receive the full protections they are entitled to.”
Gemma Bullivant, HR coach and consultant, said: “Ensuring robust maternity legislation is essential in tackling the motherhood penalty, which is a key driver of the gender pay gap.
“The EHRC updated toolkit provides valuable guidance for employers to prevent pregnancy and maternity discrimination, reflecting legal changes.”
However, she notes that this is only a starting point “The EHRC’s guidance is a step in the right direction, but sustained efforts are needed to address systemic inequalities in the workplace,” she says.
Similarly, Gemma Dale, lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University, believes more must be done: “It is estimated that in the region of 50,000 women a year lose their job every year because of pregnancy discrimination despite the fact that is already discrimination and automatic unfair dismissal. “
“This is a very real issue, and no guide, however well written, can really address such embedded, systemic discrimination.”
To learn more about the updated tool kit and read Gemma’s full opinion, click here to read the article on People Management.