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Redundancy Coaching

Secrets to a financially healthy life – Quilter Podcast

As a guest on Secrets to a Financially Healthy Life Podcast hosted by Jane Constantinis, I share my experience and views on the topic of redundancy.  In this podcast episode, we explore the importance of financial advice through life and career, including the stigma associated

Becoming a HR Team Leader | New Year New Career

Becoming an HR team leader is an extremely rewarding role and one which will always be valued in so many different organisations. Mental health, wellbeing and successfully managing employees is at the forefront of people’s minds now more than ever, making HR of the utmost

A Complete Guide To Outplacement Services

Ultimately, letting go of employees can be tough, especially when it’s through no fault of their own and simply cannot be avoided due to cash flow issues. Perhaps you just had to make one of your friendly colleagues you have known for years redundant through

Considering Employee Wellbeing After Redundancies

Before making a redundancy, you should consider the wellbeing of the redundant employee as well as the wider team. Not only will a redundancy impact their financial status, but it can also have a knock-on effect with those living with your employee, such as their