How To Motivate Execs: Executive Compensation That Sticks
How To Motivate Execs: Executive Compensation That Sticks Executives set the direction for the company, influencing culture, productivity, profit, and results. So, it stands to reason that attracting and retaining top talent for these roles is a critical component of a successful business. You need

70-20-10 Leadership Development Training That Actually Works
In the HR and coaching world, there are always new techniques to think about and new approaches to try. But sometimes, there is a technique that makes so much sense that it becomes embedded in the culture. The 70-20-10 model is one of those. Despite

Why Leaders Should Use Strengths-Based Coaching
Imagine that someone comes to review your performance and look at ways to improve it, and only focus on your weaknesses and what you aren’t doing well. Chances are, you won’t feel so great afterwards. Now imagine that person reviews your performance by focusing on

How to Have More Effective Relationships at Work
Have you ever said something in the heat of the moment, that you later regret? An emotional response to a frustrating situation that in hindsight you might want to change. Join the club. Here is a simple model that might help to explain it, and

Understanding Strengths-Based Leadership
When coaching leaders, I regularly refer to strengths, and how we can apply our unique strengths to our lives and work, and become the best possible version of ourselves. When we work with our strengths, we are energised by what we are doing, and we

Impact of Stress and Conflict on Leadership Approach
We all know that dealing with a stressful situation can take its toll on our wellbeing, so what is good leadership in difficult situations? When things are going well, we access our own natural leadership style that our friends and colleagues see and experience. When

The Difference between Coaching vs Mentoring vs Counselling
With the constantly connected, complicated and on-the-go world we live in today, it can be easy to become overwhelmed and neglect our mental state and goals simply in order to survive. Avoid burying your head in the sand – it’s important to seek personal and professional help

Five emotions you might be feeling in response to the Coronavirus pandemic
Facing into the Coronavirus pandemic with very little clarity on the future, it is certainly feeling very unsettling. But as each of us focuses on the immediate daily practicalities of our own unique set of circumstances, it’s worth also acknowledging that the emotions we are

How to overcome your self-limiting beliefs
Self-limiting beliefs can be detrimental to your personal and professional development, as well as your self-confidence. They can hold you back from achieving goals and doing what you want. They become self-limiting because they prevent you from trying things or from reaching your full potential.